Please Create a new thread in this section of the forum and copy this application in. Fill out all of the questions and post it. A member of the officer team will reply to confirm its' submission
Update 30/04/2023 - New application form done by Google Forms, please send your application here:
Curse of Years Application form.
Remember your application is the first impression we have on you.
Your Name, Age, Gender and Location:
Tell us a little bit about yourself (non-WoW related Interests, Hobbies etc)
Character Information:
Armory Link:
What strengths do you feel your class currently brings to the raid?
How comfortable are you playing your offspecs?
Paste a your UI via [img]LINK[/img] IN COMBAT
(Ensure that all Key Bindings are visible)
Link to your raid logs using using [url]LINK[/url].:
Raiding History:
Describe your previous/current raiding experiences / guilds. including reasons for leaving them:
More Information:
Can you meet our raid schedule of Wed/Thur/Mon 21:00 to 00:00 server time with at least 90% attendance?
What encouraged you to apply to Curse of Years?
Do you play much outside of raiding?
Is there anything else you'd like to add to your application?