
Kaemei - 100 Blood Elf Paladin

If you wish to apply to us, this is the place for you!

by Kae » 26 Aug 2015, 23:11

About You...

Your name, age, gender and location.:
Robert, 23, male from the UK

Your Character Details...

    Image Image

    100 Blood Elf HEALING Holy Paladin
    Guild: Honorbound@Moonglade

    Average Ilvl: 714
    Average equipped Ilvl: 711
    Health: 368160
    Mastery: 20.988636, Rating 967
    SpellPower: 7485
    Intellect: 5454
    Spirit: 1734
    Strength: 1452
    Stamina: 6136
    Hit: , Pct:
    Crit: 26.27273, Rating: 2230
    Haste: 1211
  • Your preferred raid role and any offspec.:
    Holy Paladin. I have a Retribution offspec that I played on some fights in tier 17.

Character Related Information...

  • Pick two encounters and describe which talents and glyphs (and possibly spec) you use, and why.:
    For current state of Holy Paladins, I feel there isn't much choice in terms of talents, many choices are predetermined and there is little variety. For every fight in Hellfire Citadel: Glyph of Merciful Wrath (reduces the cooldown on Avenging wrath from 3mins to 1.5) and Glyph of Hand of Sacrifice are mandatory. The loss of tier 17 makes Sanctified Wrath the better throughput talent compared to divine purpose and with this talent, having it on a 1.5min cooldown is insanely strong. Hand of Sacrifice see's frequent use, so it makes sense to run the glyphHowever, there are several instances in Hellfire Citadel where the third glyph choice is interesting.

    On Tyrant Velhari, Glyph of Beacon of Light can be used to switch my beacon onto Touch of Harm targets in order to clear it faster. Hellfire Council, Fel Lord Zakuun and Socrethar are other examples where the glyph can enable switching beacons around to be easier and more beneficial than other running other glyphs. I also think that there is potential for this glyph to be used on Kilrogg during the Visions of Death phase.

    For the other fights, there are three glyph choices: Glyph of Flash of Light, Glyph of Divinity and Glyph of Protector of the Innocent. Protector of the Innocent or Flash of Light are the two that I would choose to use on 11/13 of the fights in the raid, both giving higher HPS than their rivals. However, on heroic (haven't had chance to test mythic yet this tier), I feel that on Fel Lord and on Iron Reaver there is potential to run with Glyph of Divinity as well as the Unbreakable Spirit talent in order to use 2 Lay on hands and gain 20% more mana which can be used to be more inefficient with mana and use more Flash of Lights and Holy Radiances were appropriate.

  • How do you prioritise your stats?:
    Crit > Mastery > Haste

    The intention for Holy Paladin's is to try and hit 50% raid buffed crit during Avenging Wrath to ensure that, due to the fact Holy Shock benefits from a double crit chance, every time I use Holy Shock it will either, reduce the cast time of Holy Light and Holy Radiance or increase the healing done by Flash of Light.

    After Crit, Haste and Mastery are similarly weighted however due to tier 18 4 set bonus, 8% haste whenever a heal is cast on beacon target, Mastery pulls ahead as the stat I want to be collecting after Crit.

  • Where do you acquire information and knowledge about your class?:
    Manaflask, Mmo champion mostly for Holy. It can be quite hard to find decent sources for Holy Paladin amongst the trolling and spam but if you look hard enough it's possible to find some useful advice.
  • Paste your UI via [img]LINK[/img] IN COMBAT.:
  • Link to your raid logs using [url]LINK[/url].:
    Blackrock Foundry :
    Hellfire Citadel :

  • Describe your past/current raid experience.:
    Burning Crusade : Most of the stuff I cleared was during late expansion period, around and after the pre patch for Wrath.

    Wrath of the Lich King: Cleared all content during Naxx patch. Finished Ulduar 25 during ToC. Finished 11/12 Heroic ICC before Cataclysm

    Cataclysm : (Before next content patch) 5/6 H Blackwing Descent , 1/2 H TFW, 2/5 H Bastion of Twilight. 6/7 H Firelands. My guild reached 7/8 H Dragon Soul before my guild disbanded. We killed Spine heroic just before the buff was activated.

    I didn't play during Mists of Pandaria but returned a couple of months before this expansion and during WoD I have cleared 7/7 and 8/10 Mythic BrF and 11/13 heroic Hellfire Citadel.

More Information...

  • Raid times: Can you meet our raid schedule of Wed/Thur/Mon 21:00 to 00:00 server time? (Optional raid on Sunday). Note that on start we raid of tier Wed/Thu/Mon/Sun and then push Heroic on Sunday as optional raid.:
    Wednesday, Thursday, Monday, Sunday
  • Teamspeak: Are you comfortable with using voice communications when necessary?:
  • What qualities do you bring to a raid?:
    I'm a calm, generally level-headed guy who doesn't "rage" or get angry quickly during progression on a boss. Instead, I will try to look at my own play and see what I can improve. There's always room to improvement and I will try to ensure that I'm never stagnating or making the same mistakes. I'm normally pretty quick to admit if I do make a mistake and try to make it only once before learning and improving.
  • Share how you feel about progression raiding.:
    Progression in WoW raiding is exciting and enjoyable. The challenge of a new boss and learning it, tweaking strategy in order to clinch that first kiss is insanely satisfying. It gives me an opportunity to test myself, my play that nothing else in WoW does: the motivate myself to push my boundaries and ensure that I put 100% effort into a learning and playing my class.
  • What are your faults in relation to raiding?:
    There are occasions where I will make a mistake and die due to focusing on Healing rather than the ground underneath my feet. It will happen every now and then, and I'll get angry at myself for it.
  • Where did you hear about us? What encouraged you to apply?:
    I've been looking for a guild due to changes in my work hours and other RL issues that will prevent me from raiding with my current guild and some scouting around on and the forums led me here. Ultimately the raiding hours encouraged me to apply and snooping around your twitch streamers.
  • Is there anything else you would like to say?:
    I think only an expanation of the dropoff in progression from this tier compared to last. At the start of tier18, my guild lost three officers and two raiders. It's been a struggle to replace them but we've continued on through heroic but with summer it's been difficult to replace them.

    There may be some sundays which I'm unable to attend but I would hazard a guess my attendance would be 3/4 sunday raids a month.

  • What do you get excited about (non WoW related)?:
    Cricket, formula 1, football and friday night's drinking with my girlfriend and our friends
Posts: 1
Joined: 26 Aug 2015, 19:44

by Yse » 27 Aug 2015, 20:03

Sorry for delay in replying. Thank you for applying to us we will get to you shortly and with some questions.

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by Yse » 31 Aug 2015, 01:56

Took us a bit more than expected to answer you but this is only because of the quality of the app itself. I have to inform you that sadly we currently just cannot fit you anywhere in, even counting you as a DPS for short period of time. I would still urge you to check around if you are still looking in some time. Wish you best luck in finding your one and only guild!

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