
Rules and Requirements [READ BEFORE APPLYING]

If you wish to apply to us, this is the place for you!

by Yse » 11 Sep 2014, 17:21

:: Curse of Years ::
We are a semi hardcore guild with the goal of clearing all raid content while it is current and on the highest possible level of difficulty (Mythic), while maintaining our light 3 day by 3 hour schedule.
Our guild is based on solid values and consists of people from all over Europe, with various backgrounds and from all age groups.

:: Currently looking for ::
- Mature people with a positive attitude towards progress raiding.
- Mechanically minded players.

:: Our raiding days / times ::
Wednesday 21:00-24:00
Thursday 21:00-24:00
Monday 21:00-24:00

With each new expansion or tier we raid Sunday (21:00-24:00) as an extra day to acquire gear/tier sets for early mythic progression. Later we use this day as an optional raid day usually to clear heroic and for achievements/mount farming.

:: Raids ::
We begin raiding at 21:00 so we ask raiders to be online and ready at least 10 min before raid start to gather the best setup possible for the given encounter.
If you are unable to attend a raid you are expected to post in the AFK thread on the forums.

:: Raid Etiquette ::
Be respectful of your fellow raiders both in how you interact with them socially and how your gameplay impacts them.
We expect everyone to be aware of their own mistakes. We do not want to have to have to search through logs for the cause of a raid wipe, so speak up if you are the cause. If you do not understand something it’s important that you ask rather than making the same mistake again. We will not punish someone for owning up to a mistake but will address the failure to.

Preparation - We expect everyone to have researched bosses we are progressing on prior to the raid. Strategy discussions will be posted on the guild forums, however using your own initiative to watch / read and understand mechanics is important.

Consumables - We expect everyone to bring the optimal food, flasks, runes and potions. Feasts will be provided on most bosses, however we expect raiders to use their own food for some early progress while fights are being learned. Potions are not “going the extra mile” they are a baseline requirement for Mythic raiding and should be used at all times. Guild bank donations are welcomed.

Voice Comms - All participating raiders are expected to be on the guild TS3 server during raid times, preferably with a working mic. We ask people to be sensible and keep TS free of non raid related conversations during encounters that require you to be able to hear the raid leader and follow instructions.

:: Our loot system ::
Loot is distributed via Loot Council (RCLootCouncil). We value attendance, performance, gear difference, BiS and specific requirements for upcoming encounters/classes. Typically the priority will be:

Members > Priority Off Spec. > Trials* > Off Spec.
*Being a trial does not mean you will not get loot.

Vanity items such as mounts or non-equippable items (transmog. sets, etc.) will be rolled for between members.

:: Trials ::
Our trial system is based on your attendance and performance and can vary based on these factors. Typically a trial period will last anything from 2-4 weeks. You can approach an officer at any time outwith raid hours to discuss your trial or any issues you may be having relating to it.
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Joined: 10 Sep 2014, 16:19

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