
Jaý - 100 Troll Shaman

If you wish to apply to us, this is the place for you!

by Jay » 27 Nov 2015, 02:42

About You...

Your name, age, gender and location.:
Hai im luis aka Jay im from Portugal and im 25 years old. i play the qq class known as elemental shaman who does alot of single target damage and is op in pvp :sick:.
I became a father this year of a little girl so WoW has been my only hobby for now until she is old enough to tell me that i suck.

Your Character Details...

    Image Image

    100 Troll DPS Elemental Shaman
    Guild: XIS@Kilrogg

    Average Ilvl: 739
    Average equipped Ilvl: 682
    Health: 466260
    Mastery: 108.91635, Rating 1424
    Intellect: 6848
    Agility: 1286
    Stamina: 7771
    Hit: , Pct:
    Crit: 11.481818, Rating: 713
    Haste: 2296
  • Your preferred raid role and any offspec.:
    Elemental with offspec resto

Character Related Information...

  • Pick two encounters and describe which talents and glyphs (and possibly spec) you use, and why.:
    talent wise i mostly play with elemental fusion and unleash fury switching it out sometimes with Primal elementarist. then i use elemental mastery for st fights and echo of the elements for the aoe ones.
    Glyphs- of chain lightning, spiritwalkers grace and lightning shield pretty standard but for fights like hellfire council i use glyph of flame shock to get some heals during the fight.

  • How do you prioritise your stats?:
    Intellect > Multistrike > Haste >= Crit anything else is pretty much useless for me
  • Where do you acquire information and knowledge about your class?:
    mmo, wowhead and not so much anymore noxxic and icy veins as they got so outdated if i cant find what im looking for i have a few (high end) ele shamans that i trade tips and logs with :D
  • Paste your UI via [img]LINK[/img] IN COMBAT.: bit old but not much changed ther
  • Link to your raid logs using [url]LINK[/url].:
  • Describe your past/current raid experience.:
    i started raiding in MoP was casual until then started in tarren mill in a guild called Special needs Program we got garrosh 25 man HC 400 world rank where i had some dank top 10 ranks (good times).

    they sadly disbanded in HM so i had an offer from an alliance guild called entity on doomhammer at the time my gf was 9 months pregnant so i wasnt sure if i could keep raiding or not the GM was very nice and gambled paying for my transfer as a sign of faith ( i paid him back), there when HFC came out we started having few signups to work with many ppl got tired i guess so i left sadly leaving many friends behind.

    Then vex thal officers saw my logs and stuff on wow progress and offered me a trial they said they needed a good ele for xhul progress (little did i know that was only what they needed me for). so we killed and tyrant aswell and i started getting benched on progress even on farm days because GM said and i quote "your class doesnt fit this fight" now i know my class isnt very good in ST fights but i didnt get a chance so i left them and joined a friends guild while i looked for a new home then i found you guys.

More Information...

  • Raid times: Can you meet our raid schedule of Wed/Thur/Mon 21:00 to 00:00 server time? (Optional raid on Sunday). Note that on start we raid of tier Wed/Thu/Mon/Sun and then push Heroic on Sunday as optional raid.:
    Wednesday, Thursday, Monday
  • Teamspeak: Are you comfortable with using voice communications when necessary?:
  • What qualities do you bring to a raid?:
    i am a tryhard i allways try to improve i read up on my class i chat with a few ele friends and i try to show everytime that my class is not just a clear trash fast thing.

    i dont rage, im a very friendly easy going guy and i know how to play my class when i get the chances.

  • Share how you feel about progression raiding.:
    im full motivated to raid these last few months have been hard for me from the start of the expac i was forced to play resto and then i was bench warming until it was on fire so for me playing as elemental now it feels like a fresh tier.
  • What are your faults in relation to raiding?:
    the panic everytime i kill a new boss i get the 5% panic where i shutdown so to say all i see at that point is the health bar on the boss and sadly it has killed me a few times but besides that im allways focused and ready to bring my A game.
  • Where did you hear about us? What encouraged you to apply?:
    i saw your guild on wow progress while looking for a 3 day raiding guild and has your times and days fit me perfectly i decided to add your GM and after a brief talk i was sold he sounds like the leader i want/need.
  • Is there anything else you would like to say?:
    You can expect an easygoing guy whos all about enjoying the game and giving what it takes to progress, including staying that extra 45 minutes. I very loyal and my mouth may sometimes get me in trouble which allways follows a shut up Jay and bam im back
  • What do you get excited about (non WoW related)?:
    Atm my little girl when im not on WoW im playing/taking care of her she is my world beeing number 2 now is fine for me cause i see that little "thing" growing every day which is wonderfull.
Posts: 74
Joined: 27 Nov 2015, 02:02

by Yse » 27 Nov 2015, 02:49

Thanks for your application. We already had a brief chat so I will try to keep that short - I'm moving it to external forum for questions / view and will let you know asap with any questions or straight answer.

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by Eze » 27 Nov 2015, 21:02

Hello! Nice application btw. =)

Im just going to ask the standard 'legion' question.

What do you think about the incoming shaman changes?
How we wiped on mannaroth 19/5/16
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Joined: 05 May 2015, 19:38

by Jay » 27 Nov 2015, 21:28

hi Eze thank you and ye i feel pretty good about legion because:
-they are giving us our old mastery back which works kind of the same way as multistrike just with more damage which is beast once i can get my hands on some good mastery gear.
-Lava burst no longer has a 100% crit chance with flame shock on the target which cause it to be nerfed to the ground since wrath we already got buffed a bit on that and the artifact/talents empower it even more.
-Emphasis on totems (finally) they are getting some work done and should be a part of the ele shaman rotation not just a "got nothing to do let me use them".
-Movement issues solved some habilities like ghust of wind that shoots us forward will make movement less painfull for us.
_Build and spend rotation due to maelstrom seems too like a good ideia since mana was useless for us.
-No cooldown on shocks which means we can target switch and dot mobs/bosses much better which was a pain for us.
_slight nerf on aoe since earthquake will be a totem but then again Chain Lightning gets buffed.

Hope that explains it a bit :D
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Joined: 27 Nov 2015, 02:02

by Yse » 28 Nov 2015, 02:55

Hi Jay,

We are happy to accept your application. Welcome in the team!

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