Your name, age, gender and location.:
Daniel "Raddo" Radovic
29 yrs
Your Character Details...
- Your preferred raid role and any offspec.:
Shadow / Discipline
100 Human HEALING Discipline Priest
Guild: Postal@Aszune
Average Ilvl: 725
Average equipped Ilvl: 718
Health: 391320
Mastery: 43.892044, Rating 665
SpellPower: 8101
Intellect: 5782
Spirit: 782
Stamina: 6522
Hit: , Pct:
Crit: 31.036366, Rating: 2864
Haste: 1772
Character Related Information...
- Pick two encounters and describe which talents and glyphs (and possibly spec) you use, and why.:
Tier 1: Desperate Prayer
Tier 2: Angelic Feather
Tier 3: Mindbender or Insanity for GCD rotation and heavy ST damage
Tier 4: Void Tendrils, can you say "root adds on gorefiend"?
Tier 5: ToF only, being the optimal choice
Tier 6: Cascade, being the optimal choice
Tier 7: AS, being the optimal choice
I also use all glyphs that works for PvE when needed, such as Restored Faith, Fade, Silence etc.
I only switch out to CoP + Insanity on single-target bosses, other than that my talents are static. - How do you prioritise your stats?:
Crit -> Int -> SP -> Haste - Where do you acquire information and knowledge about your class?:, icy-veins (+forum), mmo-champion (+forum), forums, wowhead, elitistjerks - Paste your UI via [img]LINK[/img] IN COMBAT.:
- Link to your raid logs using [url]LINK[/url].:
(Heroic, 715-717 bracket) - Describe your past/current raid experience.:
ZG - Cleared
RoAQ - Cleared
MC - Cleared
BWL - Cleared
Onyxia - Cleared
AQ40 - Up to C'thun
Naxx - Inactive
Karazhan - Cleared
ZA - Cleared
Gruul - Cleared
Mag - Cleared
SSC - Cleared
TK - Cleared
MH - Cleared
BT - Cleared
SWP - Cleared
ICC 25 - Putricide down # Gunship battle on Heroic
VoA - Cleared
Naxx - Cleared
OS - Cleared
EoE - Cleared
Uld - Mimiron + Algalon down
ToC - Cleared on Heroic
RS - Inactive
BH - Cleared
BD, BoT, TFW, FL, DS - Inactive
MSV - Cleared on Normal, plus a few bosses on Heroic
HoF - Cleared on Normal, plus a few bosses on Heroic
ToES - Cleared on Normal, plus a few bosses on Heroic
ToT - Cleared on Normal, plus first boss on Heroic
SoO - Raidleader/GM: Cleared on Normal plus Siegecrafter (12/14) on Heroic pre-nerf
HM - Cleared on Heroic + Mythic until Ko'ragh
BRF - Cleared on Heroic + Mythic until Kromog, BF, IM, Blackhand on Mythic. Pulled Operator twice, carried. Oregorger as good as dead. # Gruul, Hans'gar, Flamebender, Beastlord, Thogar killed (yes, I know, it's a shame)
HFC - Cleared on Heroic + Mythic until Socrethar and got a few pulls on him
More Information...
- Raid times: Can you meet our raid schedule of Wed/Thur/Mon 21:00 to 00:00 server time? (Optional raid on Sunday). Note that on start we raid of tier Wed/Thu/Mon/Sun and then push Heroic on Sunday as optional raid.:
Wednesday, Thursday, Monday, Sunday - Teamspeak: Are you comfortable with using voice communications when necessary?:
Yes - What qualities do you bring to a raid?:
I speak a fair bit, not too much. Also I like to insert nerdy comments here and there. - Share how you feel about progression raiding.:
I just read up on hours and hours of tactics and theorycrafting for progression. - What are your faults in relation to raiding?:
I "need" 30 minutes of warmup. - Where did you hear about us? What encouraged you to apply?:
wowprogress. Your ranking encouraged me to apply. - Is there anything else you would like to say?:
$ Been around since final-beta of Vanilla
$ Haven't missed much more than 5-6 raid contents
$ Will play semi-hardcore for atleast a year (very stable irl situation)
$ Very competetive - will go no-life when I get accepted into a semi-hardcore guild
$ Inherited intelligence and deep understanding of computers, games, hardcore mind-sets and socializing in general
$ Guild > WoW > IRL
$ Aiming for highend performance in whatever activity I do
$ Been world ranked in other games (, Char: Dorien/Aldewyn, Server: Lunara, Time: Maybe 2006 or something), I can handle the community and being in the spotlight
$ On my computer most of my awake time
$ Planning WoW activites most of my idle time
$ Infinite patience, loyal, dedicated, loveable, experienced, humble, contributing, focused, intelligent, actually skilled.
$ 555+ days /played on the account
$ Good computer hardware including 18 button mouse, keyboard with macro function, great gfx/cpu/ram.
$ I need you so I can play at my desired level of performance without feeling I am carrying or being slowed down.
$ Very active, No job, Stable irl situation - never any noshows to raids, Doesen't give many shits about loot, Very intuitive and experienced regarding most things IT-related
$ I will contribute. I am not going to be the one that's indifferent. If you raid and I'm on the bench; give me a stream link and you can be sure I'm going to grab my popcorns and watch with enthusiasm.
- I can give you high-end performance... High-end attitude... Marvelous dedication and a huge ambition to especially World of Warcraft hardcore gaming...
- I will not focus on any other games, I put all of my effort into becoming amongst the top elite of World of Warcraft. I have always done this, focus on one game at a time. Well it's been 10 years of singular focus now. *giggle*
$ I can play any class, any spec; I am willing to do anything with the right company.
$ I am looking for a home, so to speak. If I join, it will most likely be for life. I am like that.
$ Got a nice clean and very functional UI, I am in total control of the client and my characters. Quite the addon-nerd, I am.
$ Active in all sorts of community forums. Will be even more so if I get to join.
$ I never trashtalk players or guilds in general, very careful with that
$ Never a drama-queen, never a attention-seeker, never a hater. Always a lover, always a gamer, always a collaborater.
- I know when to talk, and I know when to shutup.
! - Please don't look too much on the dps of the logs I provided, instead check the spell breakdowns and such. The logs are pretty messed up due to untimely deaths and such.
My gameplay is fine, trust me. - What do you get excited about (non WoW related)?:
I really enjoy science and spiritualism, I'm trying to find the link between them. I have been researching for about 10 years on and off on the subject of metaphysicality and UFO's.
Philosophy is also a main subject.
Other than that, I enjoy art, communities and games. For example.
I also love writing, and spend alot of time on forums and such.