
Yyrkoon - 100 Night Elf Druid

If you wish to apply to us, this is the place for you!

by Yyrkoon » 09 Sep 2015, 00:20

About You...

Your name, age, gender and location.:
I am Giorgos, 28 years old, from Greece, but I am living in Barcelona where I am currently doing my PhD

Your Character Details...

    Image Image

    100 Night Elf DPS Balance Druid
    Guild: Knights Who Say Ni@Sylvanas

    Average Ilvl: 723
    Average equipped Ilvl: 719
    Health: 395580
    Mastery: 90.84091, Rating 3117
    SpellPower: 7300
    Intellect: 5086
    Spirit: 782
    Agility: 6374
    Stamina: 6593
    Hit: , Pct:
    Crit: 11.381819, Rating: 702
    Haste: 1418
  • Your preferred raid role and any offspec.:
    Balance with reasonably geared Tank/Healer offspecs (more experience at tanking than healing)

Character Related Information...

  • Pick two encounters and describe which talents and glyphs (and possibly spec) you use, and why.:
    Well Balance is unfortunately very straightforward in terms of talents and glyphs. Ironically the talent I find myself swapping more is the 45 lvl one where I typically used Typhoon in previous tiers but Faerie Swarm has proven to be very useful nowadays (slowing adds in Kilrogg/Gorefiend and Void Star in Archimonde for example). Other than that , opinions mostly differ for the 30 lvl talent where most people use Ysera's Gift, while others use Renewal. In my mind, Renewal is basically an "oh shit button", but I believe that, in the long term, YG prevents you from getting into situations needing an "oh shit" button, while offering much more healing overall.
  • How do you prioritise your stats?:

    I've experimented with a fully crit build but it was very unreliable, as some times it worked wonders while other times I felt completely starved of procs. Gemming/enchanting for haste doesn't quite make sense as it doesn't affect Starfall so it's very fight-dependant.

  • Where do you acquire information and knowledge about your class?:
    I typically trawl the forums (mostly MMO-Champion and the official forums). Guides are good and all, but I truly believe that you get the best information in general discussions around the spec, as they touch issues that would never come up in a guide (boss-specific issues etc). I wouldn't say I am a theorycrafter, but I follow theorycrafting pretty close since I prefer to know why I do what I do.
  • Paste your UI via [img]LINK[/img] IN COMBAT.:
  • Link to your raid logs using [url]LINK[/url].: My logs are generally not very strong for two reasons: 1) I was suddenly given the raid leader role (the guild would effectively disband otherwise) so I put more focus into doing my job correctly and it had an effect on my dps and 2) I am the person that will prioritize handling specific mechanics (soaking fissures on Fel Lord, keeping cds for pillars on Kromog, doing boats on maidens etc) at the expense of my dps. That said I know how to pull big numbers when needed (either to meet DPS requirements or to help trivialize mechanics etc).
  • Describe your past/current raid experience.:
    I've been playing since late Vanilla but started raiding midway through TBC. Got up to Black Temple but WotLK came so I never got to kill Illidan (killed up to Council). From there I cleared Naxx 2.0 and Ulduar but stopped playing during ToC. I've since then sold that account so I have no proof in the form of armory links and stuff (not that I regard my achievements there anything special as I was "late to the party" for the most part). I came back at the start of MoP and cleared most of T14 as a tank (did a few fights as feral too) on normal, before stopping again to devote myself to my master thesis. I started up again a month or two before WoD and have been playing ever since with 7/7M HM (although it doesn't count as for the most part I did it after BRF launched) and 9/10M BRF (we got to BH with one week to spare and got deep into P2 but then the patch was announced). My current experience is 5/13M with 200ish wipes put into Gorefiend.

More Information...

  • Raid times: Can you meet our raid schedule of Wed/Thur/Mon 21:00 to 00:00 server time? (Optional raid on Sunday). Note that on start we raid of tier Wed/Thu/Mon/Sun and then push Heroic on Sunday as optional raid.:
    Wednesday, Thursday, Monday, Sunday
  • Teamspeak: Are you comfortable with using voice communications when necessary?:
  • What qualities do you bring to a raid?:
    I'm a mature and devoted raider, with high tactical awareness (was the raid leader and head of the tactical team in my current/previous guild). I never try to whore DPS (that could also be a negative point in some fights as a little "whoring" here and there is probably needed) and I'm one of the players that will try to handle most of the mechanics even when it ends up being a dps loss, because I trust myself to do them properly. Other than that I am a very relaxed person that never throws temper tantrums and although I will occasionally get frustrated if we are wiping due to incompetence/lack of effort, I generally try to avoid pointing fingers (when I'm not raid leading ofc) as I know there's always stuff I need to improve myself first.
  • Share how you feel about progression raiding.:
    I kind of covered it in the previous question. I would like to add that I am very resilient when it comes to wiping, although I tend to look at meters and logs inbetween tries to see what might have went wrong (stuff like deaths, dps on priority targets etc are quite helpful I've found). Since I won't be raid leading anymore (thank god) I will look to provide positive input, but only via whispers on the raid leader/officers as I find that throwing random ideas in TS, while helpful typically leads to a ton of downtime.
  • What are your faults in relation to raiding?:
    I generally focus on learning the mechanics first so the first few pulls result in relatively low dps as I tend to overmove to avoid mechanics and the likes. I know I've mentioned my will to handle mechanics as positive thing but it can also have a negative impact. For example, I found myself moving 50-60 yards to get in range of a high health bomb that I spotted on Iron Reaver, only for me to get there with 20% health left and thus lose a significant amount of dps in the process. It is something I am trying to work on and find the silver lining.
  • Where did you hear about us? What encouraged you to apply?:
    Yse approached me after I made myself "available" on WoWprogress.
  • Is there anything else you would like to say?:
    I am very sociable and I typically have a lot of time to devote to WoW (living in a foreign country can be harsh on social life).
  • What do you get excited about (non WoW related)?:
    Nothing comes to mind at this point.
Posts: 2
Joined: 08 Sep 2015, 23:52

by Yse » 09 Sep 2015, 01:06


Thanks for your application, that was quite quick! We discussed most things already on bnet, but now it's time to evaluate a bit. Be ready for some quick questions from us by tomorrow as it's quite late today already.

Copying this to internal forums..

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by Yyrkoon » 10 Sep 2015, 23:58

I'll have to withdraw my application as I already found a guild.

Best of luck to the guild and, you never know, maybe our paths cross some time.
Posts: 2
Joined: 08 Sep 2015, 23:52

by Yse » 11 Sep 2015, 12:50

Thanks for info, best luck in your guild.
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