
Fedora - 100 Human Death Knight

If you wish to apply to us, this is the place for you!

by Fedora » 31 Aug 2015, 21:12

About You...

Your name, age, gender and location.:
Alfred, 18, Male, UK

Your Character Details...

    Image Image

    100 Human DPS Unholy Death Knight
    Guild: @

    Average Ilvl: 723
    Average equipped Ilvl: 719
    Health: 479220
    Mastery: 56.181816, Rating 1592
    Strength: 6330
    Stamina: 7987
    Hit: , Pct:
    Crit: 20.463634, Rating: 1701
    Haste: 670
  • Your preferred raid role and any offspec.:

Character Related Information...

  • Pick two encounters and describe which talents and glyphs (and possibly spec) you use, and why.:
    Fel Lord Zakuun
    Spec: Unholy - BoS
    T1: Plague Leech - This talent has very good synergy with the T7 talent used on this fight. Plaguebearer is never used as unholy as we can already extend the duration of diseases with festering strike, and Unholy Blight is only used on AoE/Cleave encounters.
    T2: Purgatory - Basically used in the hope that I don't die to my first killing blow.
    T3: Death's Advance - There is nothing on this encounter to slow or stun, so the movement speed from this talent is useful for moving out with seeds.
    T4: Blood tap offers the most use from this tier. Macroing it into scourge strike provides more DPS than Runic Empowerment (not that I do this, it is just an example), and having control over when I can get free runes is more beneficial over Runic Corruption.
    T5: Death Pact - Compared to Death Siphon, I prefer the bulk heal over relying on runes to heal from Death Siphon. Conversion does not work well with Unholy because it consumes Runic Power with is relied on to transform my pet and for my T7 talent.
    T6: I leave this talent the same as what ever it was on the previous encounter as it has no impact on this fight.
    T7: Breath Of Sindragosa - This talent provides the highest DPS when used correctly, as well as burst damage. There are also mechanics which I can gain runic power from soaking with Anti-Magic Shell, increasing its duration.
    Blood Boil - Lets me spread my dots further
    Regenerative Magic - Shortens the CD of my defensive CD if it is not all used up
    Raise Ally - Removes the resource cost of CR
    Army of the Dead - stops this CD from taunting the boss
    Resilient Grip - Resets the CD of grip if I misuse it
    Tranquil grip - removes the taunt aspect of grip

    Spec: Unholy - Necroblight
    T1: Unholy Blight - This talent allows Necrotic plague to be stacked up to 15 in 10 seconds. Plague leech is not used as Necrotic Plague requires a high uptime in order to be effective
    T2: Purgatory - Basically used in the hope that I don't die to my first killing blow.
    T3: Death's Advance - There is nothing on this encounter to slow or stun, so the movement speed from this talent is useful for moving out with fel surge.
    T4: Blood tap offers the most use from this tier. Macroing it into scourge strike provides more DPS than Runic Empowerment (not that I do this, it is just an example), and having control over when I can get free runes is more beneficial over Runic Corruption.
    T5: Death Pact - Compared to Death Siphon, I prefer the bulk heal over relying on runes to heal from Death Siphon. Conversion does not work well with Unholy because it consumes Runic Power with is relied on to transform my pet and for my T7 talent.
    T6: Gorfiend's Grasp - Gripping in the imps on this encounter interrupts their casts as well as
    T7: Necrotic Plague - This can be kept at 15 stacks on the boss for the entire encounter, allowing it to be transferred onto adds to dps them down quickly.
    Blood Boil - Lets me spread my dots further
    Regenerative Magic - Shortens the CD of my defensive CD if it is not all used up
    Raise Ally - Removes the resource cost of CR
    Army of the Dead - stops this CD from taunting the boss
    Resilient Grip - Resets the CD of grip if I misuse it
    Tranquil grip - removes the taunt aspect of grip

  • How do you prioritise your stats?:
    Multistrike > Mastery for Unholy Necroblight, Multistrike > Haste for Unholy ST, Mastery > Multistrike for Duel Wield Frost.
  • Where do you acquire information and knowledge about your class?:
    Son of a Lich forums (DK class forums that includes guides formerly on
    #Archus IRC channel (DK community IRC where top players such as Tegu from method and Febreesa from paragon discuss the class among other things)
    Twitch streams - Fragnance and Febreesa

  • Paste your UI via [img]LINK[/img] IN COMBAT.:
  • Link to your raid logs using [url]LINK[/url].:
  • Describe your past/current raid experience.:
    Currently 5/13 Mythic. Best attempt on Gorfiend was 32% before the guild that I was in disbanded.
    Achieved 9/10 Mythic BRF whilst it was current content.
    Achieved Imperator Mar'gok Cutting edge (after the release of BRF).
    Achieved Ahead of the Curve 10M Garrosh during patch 5.4 (casual raiding).
    Killed everything in ICC excluding LK, only raiding in PuGs.

More Information...

  • Raid times: Can you meet our raid schedule of Wed/Thur/Mon 21:00 to 00:00 server time? (Optional raid on Sunday). Note that on start we raid of tier Wed/Thu/Mon/Sun and then push Heroic on Sunday as optional raid.:
    Wednesday, Thursday, Monday, Sunday
  • Teamspeak: Are you comfortable with using voice communications when necessary?:
  • What qualities do you bring to a raid?:
    I am always looking for ways to improve myself as a player, as well as other people. I am happy to give feedback to people in a tactful manor if I feel they are doing something wrong, and will always take on-board any feedback given to me. I'm pretty good at analysing a fight and suggesting ways to improve it to make it cleaner and more efficient. I always try to pull my weight and not hold back other people, and am happy to sit out if I am not being beneficial to the raid team or encounter.
  • Share how you feel about progression raiding.:
    I enjoy the feeling of killing new bosses and looking at tactics for fights. Learning how a boss works is always fun and finding the strengths/weaknesses of my class for each encounter is interesting. Progression raiding also allows me to prove myself as a player, in order to be the best that I can.
  • What are your faults in relation to raiding?:
    Sometimes on farm bosses I can tunnel-vision DPS instead of following mechanics, but generally if I notice that this is wiping the raid I will stop in order to actually kill the boss (I'm one of those people who cares about warcraftlogs ranks on fights, but only for farm bosses)
  • Where did you hear about us? What encouraged you to apply?:
    WoWProgress, you were recruiting DKs and have raid times that fit in around my job
  • Is there anything else you would like to say?:
    My previous guild disbanded on Gorfiend progression, which is why I am looking for a new guild.
  • What do you get excited about (non WoW related)?:
    CS:GO, Computers and games.
Ayy b0ss
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Posts: 15
Joined: 31 Aug 2015, 00:36

by Yse » 31 Aug 2015, 22:42

Thanks for applying to us! This looks a really well written app which is a plus. Mind adding me to battletag while we finalize this (rejv#2929) for a small chat?

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by Fedora » 01 Sep 2015, 00:31

thanks for your quick response. I have sent you a battletag request (mine is Shrek#2495)

Ayy b0ss
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by Eze » 01 Sep 2015, 01:03

Hey, noticed you play CS... Please tell me you aren't a silver! =P
How we wiped on mannaroth 19/5/16
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by Fedora » 01 Sep 2015, 01:11

Hopefully this is acceptable >.<
Ayy b0ss
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by Yse » 01 Sep 2015, 16:50

As we had a chat already on bnet, I can gladly say we have accepted your application to our guild. When you transfer over here, let anyone know in the guild to get direction to nearest pit stop with invite machine.

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