
Akria - Shadow Priest

If you wish to apply to us, this is the place for you!

by Akria » 28 Jun 2016, 21:24


Your Name, Age, Gender and Location:
My name is Daniel, i'm 26 years old, i'm male at least I think so and im from Denmark.

Tell us a little bit about yourself (non-WoW related Interests, Hobbies etc)
Well lets see...
I'm current on the education to become a IT-Supporter, I finish that around April next years.
In my spare time I hang out with my friends going to the movies, or play other games with them.
I live a really simple life, nothing to interresting really.

Character Information:

Armory Link: ... a/advanced

Describe your choice of talents and why you've chosen them:

15 – Spectral Guise or Angelic Bulwark(I go Guise on some fights to ignore certain mechanics on fights)
30 – Angelic Feather
45 – MindBender(if AS) or Insanity(if CoP)
60 – Depends on the fight really MC atm, for when ive been doing BRF Mythic runs for Furnace fight.
75 – Twist of Fate for the Dmg inscrease(15%) when hitting people on 35% hp or lower
90 – Cascade even tho Cascade is abit broken atm, it is kinda the talent that pulls ahead atm.
100 – Depends on fight if on Xhul I go AS any other fight I got CoP.

I'm Playing CoP these days, cause it does more damage that AS, unless were talking a fight with lots of adds.

How do you prioritize your stats and why?
SP comes down to alot, are you CoP or are you AS?
If AS then it is Crit then Haste
If CoP it comes down to if you have the Class trinket and what not(I've gone heavy mastery cause of how fast bosses dies these days, tho if it a long fight, haste pulls off better in the long run)

What do you think about Artifact and how important it is for your spec (traits etc)?
I like the idea of artifacts, though I haven't looked into the traits and what not to be honest(No reason to lie about it)
I've not been focused on WoW last few months after we stopped raiding, though my plan is to start researching in the nearest future, I go on holiday, when I go home from work friday, and will be planning to level a priest to lvl 110 on Beta(I got access) to have a look at the traits, and of course read up on

Where do you acquire knowledge about your Class?
I get my information from or on the official Discord server for H2P

Paste a your UI via IN COMBAT
(Ensure that all Key Bindings are visible) 6= g 7= Shift+g 8= S 9= R 0 = F == E

Link to your raid logs using using
My last log with Crusaders of Honor.

Raiding History:

Describe your previous/current raiding experience:
Vanilla: (As Warlock)
Molten Core: Cleared
Blackwing Lair: Cleared
Zul´Gurub: Cleared
AQ20: Cleared
AQ40: think we cleared 4 bosses there.
Naxxramas: Cleared some trash

TBC: (As Holy Paladin)
Karazhan: Cleared
Grulls Lair: Cleared
Magtheridons Lair: Cleared
Tempest Keep: Cleared
Serpentshrine Cavern: Cleared
Mount Hyjal: Cleared
Black Temple: Cleared
Sunwell Plateau: only managed to kill kalecgos before the Wrath nerfs.

WOTLK: (As Protection Paladin)
Naxxramas: Cleared on 10 and 25 man
Eye of Eternity: cleared on 10 and 25 man
Obsidian Sanctum: Cleared on 10 and 25 man(Got Sarth 3D down before the nerf)
Ulduar: Cleared on 10 man and 25 man
Trial of the grand crusader: cleared on 10, but needed Anub on 25 man.
Icecrown Citadel: Cleared both 10 and 25 man on heroic

Cataclysm: (As Shadow Priest)
Bastion of Twillight: cleared and 1/5 HC
Blackwing Descent: Cleared and 2/6 HC
Firelands: Cleared and 6/7 HC
Dragon Soul Cleared 8/8 HC

Mists of Pandaria(As Shadow Priest)
MSV: Cleared 6/6 HC
Heart of Fear: Cleared 6/6 HC
Terrace of Endless Spring: Cleared 4/4 HC
Throne of Thunder: Cleared 13/13 HC
Siege of Orgrimmar 13/13 HC

Warlords of Draenor(as Mage and Shadow Priest)
Highmaul: 7/7 Mythic
Blackrock Foundry: 10/10 Mythic
Hellfire Citadel: 13/13 Normal 13/13 HC and 13/13 Mythic

Tell us about your previous guilds and your reasons for leaving them:
Gonna take it from MoP cause I was abit of a guild hopper during WOTLK(Was young D:)
Started out in maligned which basicly went bad cause of the tanks in the guild, so went to Conviction where I raided until I joined AoA during SoO cause I couldnt keep up with 4 days raiding atleast not with 100% attendance.
During WoD I took a break in AoA cause of Studies, when I wanted to come back as SP, I went to a guild were a few ex guildies raided called Crusaders of Honor.
After we killed Archimonde, our healing officer quit and few dps aswell. We started to struggle to get raids going atleast for full reclears.
Then some of the members within the guild and some other on the server started to make a new guildbehind the scenes on horde side and started to recruit people within the guild(11-13 members) so now my current guild is dead. so yeah im looking else where now.

More Information:

Can you meet our raid schedule of Wed/Thur/Mon 21:00 to 00:00 server time with at least 90% attendance?
Yes I can attend these raid days.

We are raiding Sundays at start of each Tier for 3-4 weeks. Are you aware of it?
Yes, I'm aware of this

Are you able to Listen and Speak on Teamspeak?
I'm able to listen and speak if needed

What qualities do you bring to a Raid?
I guess I bring a nice humour to raids(Do have abit of dark humour at times)
I have a focused mindset when raiding, and always try to perform 110%, and adapt to what ever happends in the raid(Position wise and what not)
I guess you can ask my latest Guild Master Eneas about my qualities I bring to a raid.

How do you feel about progression raiding?
I love progression raids, when you down a "hard" boss the first time, feeling how the adrenaline rushes through ones body.
Though I dont mind reclearing stuff, to get people geared to make future bosses "easier"

Where did you hear about Curse of Years and do you know anyone in the guild?
Well I heard about you back in MoP, when I was in Conviction. I know Gnarl and Sicci (atleast those are the members I can remember that is there sorry if ive missed anyone)

What encouraged you to apply to Curse of Years?
Eremor contacted me the other day, and spoke to me after seeing, that I was looking for a guild on wowprogress, tho I had been speaking to Gnarl a week or two before, asking into if you guys were lacking a shadow priest.

Do you play outside of raid?
Yes I do, thought not a lot these days, I mainly just log on and do my garrison stuff help a friend out and log off again and play some other game. But when legion hits WoW will be my main game and you will see me on almost all the time unless im working.

Is there anything else you'd like to add to your application?
I hope I didnt miss anything, and if you have any questions feel free to add me on Nazkol#2254
I also hope to hear positive from you guys :D

Tell us a joke:
My life (I suck at jokes D:)
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by Eremor » 28 Jun 2016, 23:11

Hi there

Many thanks for the application, I've copied it to our internal board for discussion and we'll get back to you with any questions.

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by Eremor » 30 Jun 2016, 12:23

Hi again

On your wowprogress profile it says you are open to a re-roll, could you perhaps elaborate on this? What classes would you consider and do you have any experience on that class/role at all
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid
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by Akria » 30 Jun 2016, 14:01

I'm available to re-roll to either Mage or Paladin.
Thought I havent played them that much this expansion. except that I played mage at start of the Draenor expansion (High Maul and Blackrock Foundry) and played my paladin abit to the side of it(as tank and healer).

I kinda kept the option to re-roll open, to see what guilds I could get offer from aswell.
But would reroll anything if it helps to progress.
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by Yse » 01 Jul 2016, 00:13

Thanks for the answer, let us see where we are lacking and come back to you with a proposition.
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by Akria » 01 Jul 2016, 18:58

Take your time :)
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by Yse » 05 Jul 2016, 22:13

Apology for keeping this open for so long, but we shall get to you shortly. Trying to figure out the spots requirements etc.
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by Akria » 05 Jul 2016, 23:26

Yeah it is fine Yse, take your time :D
I'm enjoying my summer break anyway, so no rush
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by Yse » 10 Jul 2016, 19:25

I added you for a chat as we are at the point to make a decision seeing how our roster will potentially looks like in Legion.

If you don't have any request add me - rejv#292.
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by Yse » 14 Jul 2016, 00:38

Hi Daniel,

Apology again that it took so much time, but had to be certain how we end up with raid compositions and things. We would like to accept your application on mage class with all rerolls that comes to play in our guild for Legion.

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