
Krâsh - 100 Troll Hunter - Accepted

If you wish to apply to us, this is the place for you!

by Krash » 01 Aug 2015, 17:26

About You...

Your name, age, gender and location.:
Name - Krishna Venki
Gender - Male
Location - India, U.S. I shuttle between these two places, as I study in the U.S at Brown University. I spend about 9 months there, and the timings are perfect for me to raid. I'm pretty jobless in India, so the timings are great for me.

Your Character Details...

    Image Image

    100 Troll DPS Marksmanship Hunter
    eu/Tarren Mill
    Guild: Bulwark@Tarren Mill

    Average Ilvl: 703
    Average equipped Ilvl: 701
    Health: 343380
    Mastery: 11.982955, Rating 1229
    Agility: 5168
    Stamina: 5723
    Hit: , Pct:
    Crit: 32.618183, Rating: 1938
    Haste: 419
  • Your preferred raid role and any offspec.:

Character Related Information...

  • Pick two encounters and describe which talents and glyphs (and possibly spec) you use, and why.:
    My playstyle has changed a lot now, after getting the 4 set. I use Focusing Shot on strictly single target fights, such as Fel Lord Zakuun and Iron Reaver. I'm really enjoying it at the moment, as I get to use my pet again. This also allows me to modify my glyphs slightly, allowing me to add Gylph of Animal Bond, once again helping to reduce incoming damage passively.
    With these fights (and Kromrok sometimes, depending on raid comp) it's more or less a fairly straight forward choice. I go Lone Wolf if the raid is missing an important buff, and it has it's own merits and demerits. Some sims say that Beast Mastery pulls ahead in strong AoE fights, but I haven't really felt the need for switching, as MM is doing very well. Also, Azortharion's Hunter Repo is my bible, and it says that MM edges ahead on every encounter. Bless those people who did the math.

    Other than that, I'm very flexible as to what the guild needs. I'm fairly confident of playing all 3 Hunter specs, so I wouldn't mind switching as to the needs of the guild. Survival is probably my favourite spec, but sadly, it isn't very viable at the moment, except maybe on Hellfire Assault.

  • How do you prioritise your stats?:
    After Agility, I emphasize priority on Critical Strike -> Multistrike -> Versatility. The reason for this is the way in which crit interacts with our mechanics. Crits during Careful Aim (When Target is >80% HP OR Rapid Fire is active) return 20 focus. Theorycrafters say that the Crit Soft Cap is 53% atm, but since this is unattainable, I am for as much Critical Strike as possible. I'm currently sitting on about 40-41% Crit fully buffed.
    Multistrike scales very nicely, but doesn't really affect any mechanics much.
    Versatility, like MS, scales very nicely, and is a flat out damage increase/reduction.

    Once again, please do let me know if you'd like me to talk more about hunters and why I weigh my stats the way I do.

  • Where do you acquire information and knowledge about your class?:
    Azortharion's Hunter Doc is my bible. I've got it downloaded on my phone for quick looks! is pretty great, but what I do most to optimize my gameplay is check out logs of top hunters. I also find elitist jerk forums to be pretty decent. Everything said and done though, Azortharion's Hunter guide really is the go-to thing for hunters at the moment.
  • Paste your UI via [img]LINK[/img] IN COMBAT.: In Combat.
    [b][/b] Out of Combat.
    Do let me know if you would like me to explain why and how I use my addons!

  • Link to your raid logs using [url]LINK[/url].: - Quick normal kill on few bosses, just for the sake of most recent logs. Raiding with my guild, Clear up to Socrethar. Just use the link to browse guild logs for the current tier. Please do let me know if you would like some logs on LFR or Archimonde progress run. ... &boss=1788 Rankings for my ilvl bracket. I fucking hate Iron Reaver and Kilrogg when I'm not allowed to go into visions.

  • Describe your past/current raid experience.:
    I started playing WoW during WotLK. I casually played as a DK Tank all the way upto Firelands before quitting. I never really took raiding seriously at this point, and I couldn't really figure out what class I wanted to main. It was during MoP that I really decided to sink my teeth into raiding. I found it difficult to find a strong heroic guild, so I cleared as much as I could with my guild then, before quitting a week into SoO to honor some real life commitments. I got back into WoW a month before 6.2, and I'm loving it more than ever. I've been playing a Hunter since the start of MoP, and I think I've got a very good grasp of the class in general, and am very comfortable moulding my playstyle for the needs of the group.
    Cleared Content:
    Icecrown Citadel - 10/10 Normal.
    Bastion of Twilight - 4/4 Normal 2/5 Heroic
    Blackwing Descent - 6/6 Normal. Killed Nefarian Post nerf.
    Throne of Four Winds - 2/2 Normal.
    Quit during the second week of Firelands after killing 3/7 Normal.
    Mists of Pandaria
    Mogu'Shan Vaults - 6/6 Heroic.
    Heart of Fear - 5/6 Heroic. 6/6 Normal.
    Terrace of Endless Spring - 1/4 Heroic. 4/4 Normal. I did kill Sha of Fear though.
    Throne of Thunder (BEST RAID EVER) - 12/12 Normal. Ahead of the Curve. 7/13 HC!
    Siege of Orgrimmar - 11/14 Normal, 8/14 Heroic within the first week of release. Quit right after this, I had some important exams to prepare for.

    Warlords of Draenor
    Highmaul - 6/7 Heroic. Didn't really care about this raid.
    Blackrock Foundry - 10/10 Heroic, 2/10 Mythic.
    Hellfire Citadel - 12/13 Heroic. 11/13 Normal since my guild didn't want to do Archimonde on Normal.

More Information...

  • Raid times: Can you meet our raid schedule of Wed/Thur/Mon 21:00 to 00:00 server time? (Optional raid on Sunday). Note that on start we raid of tier Wed/Thu/Mon/Sun and then push Heroic on Sunday as optional raid.:
    Wednesday, Thursday, Monday, Sunday
  • Teamspeak: Are you comfortable with using voice communications when necessary?:
  • What qualities do you bring to a raid?:
    I bring dedication. A shit ton of it. Going by my raiding history, I understand that it's hard to classify or consider me a top raider. I look at myself as a decent, if not good player. However, what I think I bring to a raid group is the desire and potential to improve. I remember my mistakes, and try to learn from them as much as possible. I probably remember every mistake I've made in Hellfire Citadel up until now. I'm also really calm, I don't ever let anything get to me, and I'm very, very punctual.
  • Share how you feel about progression raiding.:
    To me, PvE content is the biggest draw to WoW, and there's no greater thrill than progression raiding. I enjoy the challenge and the effort that goes into progressing steadily. It's incredibly satisfying to break down a boss that has been a brick wall for a week or so. Also, like I said above, I think of myself as a decent player with good potential. What motivates me so much, about playing with Curse of Years is the fact that I've never had a platform similar to CoY to try and realize that potential.
  • What are your faults in relation to raiding?:
    I can be a DPS whore at times. There are times when I don't really talk much. In fact, I prefer typing, but that's highly impractical during raids.
  • Where did you hear about us? What encouraged you to apply?:
    I was casually going through WoWProgress when I saw Thaelarion's name pop up in CoY under guilds that were looking for a hunter. I met him during my brief stay at Atom, before quitting then. Now, CoY seems like a perfect fit for me, with regard to the dedication or commitment of the players and the timings.
  • Is there anything else you would like to say?:
    I really enjoy PvE content. These aren't really accomplishments, but I think they're great fun, so I'm listing some PvE stuff that I got done.
    Challenge Mode - 8/8 Gold Mists of Pandaria Brawler's Guild Rank 8, with all special bosses cleared.
    Challenge Mode - 6/8 Warlords of Draenor Brawler's Guild Rank 7. Stuck on Ahoo'ru at the moment.
    Also, I'd like to add that I almost have the 715 ring. I'm about 80 Elemental Runes away, so I should be able to start working at getting the legendary by next reset.
    I'd also like to add that I never really got the chance to do Blackrock Foundry Mythic, because I returned to the game at an odd time. My guild was co-raiding with another guild, so I never really got the chance to do Blackrock Foundry Mythic.

  • What do you get excited about (non WoW related)?:
    Football (Soccer as it's called in the U.S), Video Games (FALLOUT 4 BEST GAME EVER INCOMING) and I'm really into writing. I'm a journalism major. I don't know why I said that, but yeah.
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by Thaelarion » 01 Aug 2015, 17:40

Hello Krâsh,

Thank you for applying. As we discussed previously we will discuss your application and get back to you in a few days! Please keep an eye on this thread as we might ask you a few questions.
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by Eremor » 02 Aug 2015, 17:09

Hey there Krash.

Few quick things from a fellow hunter.

You seem to be slightly misunderstanding Careful Aim, or at least that's the way your app came across. Careful Aim increases the crit chance of All shots on any target above 80% health, or when you have rapid fire. Only Aimed Shot Crits refund 20 focus, and this focus is refunded regardless of the HP of the boss, so long as aimed shot crits.

How is your MS and stuff if you might be playing from the US? I'm assuming you dont have any issues with it.

Lastly you say you 'hate' iron reaver and admitedly the log you have there is weaker than the rest. Any particular reason why you dont like the fight? Never had much of an issue with the fight myself other than everyone occasionally feeling the need to stack on me before the Orb comes in.

Many Thanks, and good luck with the rest of the application!
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by Krash » 02 Aug 2015, 19:32

Hi Eremor!
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I was talking about the interaction of Aimed Shot and our class mechanics i.e focus regeneration. I do know that Aimed Shot refunds focus on the occasion of crits. It's what we hunters pray to the RNG gods for. Heh.
Also, my pings from both U.S and India are completely fine, ranging from anywhere between 75-150. This may seem to be on the higher end, but I assure you that I'm very comfortable with these pings. Also, I just got a really powerful new laptop, so I shouldn't have any hardware or technical issues from my end!

I hate Iron Reaver for one reason - My old computer had the camera bug out on that fight, so I couldn't zoom out past a certain point. Therefore, I couldn't see where she was going to drop the barrage. It sounds comical and idiotic, but that's the simple truth.
New computer should fix that though!
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by Yse » 03 Aug 2015, 02:34

I got only one question about your past raiding. You seem like quit here and there quite a bit at the end or middle of tiers these past years. Would you mind throwing some light on it? As you understand, stability is a key to success.

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by Krash » 03 Aug 2015, 14:46

Hi Yse!
To be honest, I've only quit when I've had some real life commitments. because I still find the game fun, and haven't grown bored of it. That being said, I don't see anything I have to commit myself too in the near future, or even for the next couple of years, because I still have two years of college left!
I don't see myself having less than 95% attendance to raids, so I don't think my past will be too much of an issue, but that's upto you to decide :D
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by Yse » 04 Aug 2015, 01:34

Thanks for your answer, much appreciate that. Last thing I would like to ask before decision will be made is:
- As we are currently progressing thru mythics and will probably push all our attention towards that on our normal raid days which are Wed/Thu/Mon. How do you see yourself to be able to join up on Sundays for extra gear/experience? Doesn't mean you can't join first 2-3 bosses on Mythic but we still got some that didn't kill it and your gear difference is by around 6-10 ilvls (+leg ring).

It doesn't put you on side tho till we are in need but will just slightly delay your real mythic hype, will you be cool with it?

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by Krash » 04 Aug 2015, 01:53

I'd love to step in on Sundays for some extra loot and experience! Yes, I understand that I do need to gear up a bit more for Mythic, and yes, I would be cool with that. Just to update you guys, I have got my 715 ring, and have started progress on my Tome Quest!
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by Yse » 05 Aug 2015, 00:17

re Krash,

We would like to give you the opportunity to join our guild. I wish you a pleasant, enjoyable stay in our guild. When you get to our server, please whisper anyone for direction to the nearest Invite Station.

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by Krash » 05 Aug 2015, 00:36

Hi Yse, thanks for the acceptance! I'll transfer up tomorrow! Meanwhile, I'm gonna make up an alt on Arathor and ping you for an invite.
Thanks again guys!
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